Team loyalty is a whole different ball of wax.
See, you could be raised in a Christian home, spend 30
years worth of Sundays in church, and then decide to become a Zen Buddhist
without more than a few questions of curiosity from your loved ones. However,
if you’ve been known to bleed pin stripes for decades, you’d better have a good
fucking reason and a comprehensive health care plan if you decide to start
rooting for the Red Sox.
In politics, we beg and plead with complete strangers to see
the proverbial light and join our side in the hot topic debate of the week; but
in the sports world, we chastise newcomers (i.e. bandwagoners) who feel they
have the same amount of ownership over victories as the life-long fans that
have been through hell and back for their team.
It’s a cockamamie little world in which we willingly
allow the level of (dis)contentment with our lives to be dictated by the
successes and failures of multi-millionaires with whom the majority of us
literally have zero chance of ever fraternizing.
Sure, we all know that one guy who doesn’t seem to really
have any team loyalty – the one who routinely roots for teams like the Miami
Heat just to be a contrarian, to the point where you’re not even sure if he
roots for his home country in the Olympics – but on the whole, most of us have
our colors and wear them with pride.
For some incalculable reason, we form life-long bonds
with our teams from childhood, whether it’s because of where we were raised,
because we liked their jerseys, their logos, or one of their players, or
because our fathers wouldn’t have it any other way; and we consequently expect
others to share an identical passion for their team. Aside from unabashed
patriotism, the love a man has for his sports team seems to be the only one
left in this world that is truly “until death do us part.” There’s no other way
to explain why divorce rates are astronomically high, yet Wrigley Field manages
to sell-out afternoon weekday games on a regular basis. No matter how terrible
your team’s season has been, there’s always some glimmer of hope on the horizon
in the form of drafts, trade deadlines, and up-and-comers.
I was born and raised in south-central Pennsylvania at
the epicenter of the Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Washington fan
bases. Rather than aligning myself with one of those cities, or worse, rooting
for some combination of the four based on whichever was doing the best in each
sport at the time, I went outside the box and chose to root against my dad’s
favorite teams. To this day, I’m not sure why he chose the Raiders, the
Phillies, and the Tar Heels in college hoops, but I became a Chiefs, Braves,
and Blue Devils fanatic.
It was easy to root for the Braves in those days because
they were always on TBS, their pitching staff was awe-inspiring, and in my
eight year old eyes, there was no better nickname in all of baseball than the “Crime
Dog.” I can still remember playing backyard baseball with my brother; always
pretending we were Atlanta vs. Philadelphia. I would keep the team line-ups on
our porch, bat lefty or righty depending on who was due up in the order, and
run back and update the box score after each inning. It’s no surprise I turned
out as obsessed with sports and numbers as I am today.

At some point in the mid-to-late nineties around the age
of 12, I switched my baseball allegiance to the Houston Astros. For whatever
reason, I always chose to play as the Astros in video games (which at that time
would have been the timeless N64 Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League
Baseball). Houston had the most interesting stadium in the league, I loved the
Killer Bees (especially Bagwell), and I wanted to “randomly” pick a favorite
team to call my own, because I felt like I was only rooting for the Braves out
of an uncalled for spite for my dad’s favorite team. I began accumulating
Astros baseball cards, hats, jerseys, and historical knowledge, and have been
rooting for them for the past dozen years.
My discontent with the team began in early 2006, just
months after being swept out of the only World Series appearance in franchise
history. After well over a decade at first base, Drayton McLane basically took
Jeff Bagwell behind the woodshed and shot him, because despite paying
incredible sums of money for Clemens and Pettitte, he wasn’t willing to risk
any more money on the hometown favorite’s arthritic shoulder. Later in the
calendar year, Carlos Lee was signed in one of the five worst contracts of the
past decade, and one of my favorite remaining players on the roster (Willy
Taveras) was practically given away in a deal for a couple of terrible Rockies
pitchers. Last year, they traded away my two favorite players (Berkman and
Oswalt) and got little in return aside from a goofy looking first baseman who
doesn’t hit for power and a 28 year old pitcher who can’t get anyone out.
I understand that bad trades happen – hell, we never
would have had Bagwell if it weren’t for a bad trade – but there’s no excuse
for the way they pushed out Bagwell over a money dispute. In baseball, you have
to let franchise guys go out on their own terms (see: Jeter, Derek), and it leaves
a sour taste in the mouth of your fan base when you don’t; especially when you
turn around and sign Carlos Lee’s contract. I’m not bitter.
In more recent history, the Astros are easily the worst
team in the league this season, and there are serious rumors about moving them
to the American League for division realignment. I hate AL baseball, and there
is no chance the Astros and their farm system can compete in the DH league over
the course of the next several years.
Considering all these factors, and having never even been
to the state of Texas, my loyalty to the franchise has been diminishing at an
alarming rate for several years. But when you’ve got bills to pay, you can’t
just quit a job because it sucks unless you have another job lined up.

During the winter, I went to a few Washington Wizards
games. I was never much of an NBA fan, and in fact, the first NBA game of my
life was also John Wall’s first career triple-double (and evidently the final
game of Yao Ming’s career). After my fourth or fifth game, a few buddies and I
decided to team up to get a pair of 2011-12 season tickets. At this point, it’s
looking like there won’t be a season anyway, but the concept of home town pride
had been planted.
Once MLB season came back around and I discovered that I
can get $5 tickets to any Nationals game provided I get there early enough before
the game – I’ll pause a moment for Yankee fans to collect their jaws from the
floor – I decided to start making regular trips to “NATS TOWN.” As of July 10th,
I’ve been to 10 games, including a single admission double-header game on July
2nd (which may become a retro diary article at some point in the
near future), and I’ve watched probably a dozen more of their games on TV.
With the exception of Jayson Werth and Sean Burnett, I
really love watching the Nationals play, and I have been shamelessly rooting
for them. They are an exciting, young team, full of potential that has shown
signs of life this season. They somewhat remind me of the 2008 Rays, competing
in a top-heavy Eastern division and finally starting to benefit from years of
high draft picks. Don’t be surprised if they end up winning the division next
season, and that’s not just the Nats Kool-Aid talking.
Regardless of their current or future success, my eyes
have been opened to a whole new world in which I actually get to watch a team
play more than one series per season as opposed to being constrained to a life
of checking box scores in anger. And after spending five years in Pittsburgh where
no one has even pretended to give a shit about the Pirates for the past 18
years, it’s refreshing to see that the fans around here love to talk about
their team, even if all they’re holding out hope for is a .500 season and the
day when Strasburg and Harper are both in the majors.
I like this new world.
So where does that leave me? My loyalties have clearly
been compromised, but I refuse to be a sports polygamist, especially when it
would mean rooting for two teams in the same league/conference.
The Astros come into town in mid-September in what will
likely be a series that means absolutely nothing to anyone aside from me. When
the Cardinals were in town in mid-June, I suffered the heartache of watching Lance
Berkman hit a home run for the team that used to be his rival. I have no idea
what range of emotions I’ll experience in September; though with any luck, the
Astros will trade Michael Bourn and Hunter Pence by the July 31st
deadline so there won’t even be anyone left on the team that I like anyway.
Maybe one day I’ll move to Houston and re-kindle the love
affair, but for now, I am legally and emotionally a citizen of northern
Virginia. You better believe I’ll be in the stands for all 3 of those Astros
games, though; wearing my Astros gear for one final time.
I feel as though I owe them a proper good bye, even if they
never knew my name.
thoughtful, well written article. Glad you came around to a cheer for the Nats!!
ReplyDeletethis is adam: and im glad you finally came to your senses
ReplyDeleteAs a Blue Jays fan, I agree with the "Regardless of their current or future success, my eyes have been opened to a whole new world in which I actually get to watch a team play more than one series per season as opposed to being constrained to a life of checking box scores in anger." Who knows, if I lived in a city with a baseball team I think I could easily change allegiances.
ReplyDeleteWell i don't get a dislike of burnett (other than the fact he sucked for a long, long time) and i guess the whole world hates jayson werth (not including myself) so i dont get that one but okay. a nats fan is a nats fan, even if he's not 100% loyal and behind them (dont worry, ive had my share of anger spurts as a result of werth too)